An extremely effective way to save time and money on repeat jobs. Our Aero-Mount sleeves make it very practical to keep jobs mounted for as long as the job is active. This eliminates time consuming stripping and remounting of plates which:
Aero-Mount sleeves float on and off your regular plate cylinders with a simple air assist. They are very light weight, and are usually stored in their original fiber shipping tubes.
Pre-mounted, ready to print Aero-Mount sleeves offer advantages in addition to cost savings.
Some customers have found pre-mounted sleeves cost effective for all of their plate mounting requirements and use pre-mounts exclusively. The management skills, mounting skills, and equipment necessary to operate a small plate-mounting department can result in disproportionately high operating costs.
Other customers use pre-mounts to supplement their own facilities as needs arise, or to meet specific job requirements. Generally jobs start with your artwork and we complete the entire process thru plate making, plate mounting, and finish with delivery of mounted and proofed ready to print sleeves. The jobs are left mounted on the sleeves for future reruns, until a job is worn or obsolete, and then the plates can be stripped off and the sleeves reused.
Our sleeves are shipped in sturdy tubular containers that also serve both to store the sleeve, and subsequently to return the sleeve for reuse.