• The M18/21 Mounter-Proofers
Ultra precise … fast to set up, … easy to use. They produce exact register and offer complete proofing capability.
• The M23/24 Video Mounters
…have the same video mounting features but are designed for applications when proofing is not required.
Our mounters are available with multiple pairs of cameras (non–indexing), or a single pair of indexing cameras, whichever will best meet your requirements.
• The video system enlarges register marks 127x. This magnification is ideal for viewing registration easily and accurately to less than .001".
• A variable intensity, circular lamp is built into each camera assembly just below the lens. The unobstructed circle of light projected down from this position does not cause shadows and produces sharper video pictures. With higher quality video pictures blown up 127 times the operator can register microdots very easily, and is able to produce more jobs per day, with greater accuracy.
The video target system features advanced controls to easily create new targets sized and shaped to suit your register marks.
• Mounting was never easier or faster than when using the laser beam.
• A laser beam at the center of each camera projects a bright red spot on the plate cylinder marking the center of the target. The microdot is first pre-positioned at the red marker, and then the high magnification video is used to zero-in final registration.
• Using the laser pointer the operator is able to dramatically reduce set-up time to reposition cameras for job changes.
• Our design for a single monitor with a split screen display reduces repetitive motion, and is easier to use compared to looking back and forth between separate monitors.
• The cameras for M18 and M23 models are at a fixed height, and the top surface of each cylinder is automatically raised to this constant height for all mounting.
• With the plate cylinder motor control, each operator is able to simply move the cylinder or mandrel height up or down to a height where changing a particular sleeve is easiest.
For rapid sleeve changes is available using either integral cylinders, or mounting mandrels, with all sleeves, and carrier or bridge sleeve systems.